It’s the little things that make it so great!

It’s the little things that make it so great!

Today we got authorized for fake fire arm use for some outdoor shoots in our area.  Sweet!  That is a load off of my back.  This being the first time I have ever used weapons on a shoot while in a public place during daylight hours, so I am making sure all my ducks are in a row (now ducks will be harmed in the making of this zombie series).  It is getting pretty exciting to thing I am about to shoot some good stuff with guns!

Speaking of shooting, episode 3 and 4 are scripted and ready for distribution to our cast and crew.  Episode 3 is a scorcher.  I am doing a full on action sequence at the end of the episode that I hope is a gut wrencher.  I am spending most of my waking hours putting together the scenes in this creepified old hotel that comes pre-apocalypsed. I love that we got this place.  Totally amazing.

location scouting has gone well and is nearly complete.  A few more walk throughs and some finalized thumbs up and this things is rolling out the door.  Stay tuned.

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